Sunday, March 16, 2025

FNE & 10 Second Miracles

April 16, 2012 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I believe my FNE is writing. Although I didn’t realize it back when I started, the exhilaration I get from creating a story and the characters is a real rush. My writing so far is XXX rated and posted on an internet site as well as published in paperback (3 books so far). I am curently writing another book, a mystery, without the sex factor. My 10 second miracle came when my first character (Ashleigh Townsend) took over my writing and told me what she wanted to do chapter by chapter. I couldn’t wait to write the next chapter! Ashleigh is the primary character in three books, two of which have been published by a publishing house in Canada. Ashleigh’s Book 3 currently languishes in their warehous but another character, Nick Nelson, has also had his story published. Since I am retired and write primarily to please myself and my one (1) million readers – yes, 1,000,000 and counting – I have yet to figure out how to make money from my writing but I am convinced that will come as I progress.

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One Response to “FNE & 10 Second Miracles”
  1. William J kyle says:

    HMMMM, i’m at a lost why you are not making money please tell me that you are not giving these books away to your 1 Millions readers. remeber you are a value creator, and you should be paid for all your intergrations. we have a business alliance whitch meets ever other saturaday. if you want more informantion on how to get on these call call member services at

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