Thursday, March 6, 2025

Discover your firday night essense.

August 2, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

Hello Mark:
I have just attended my first secion of my second level. I am beginning to understand how to achive my firday night essense. You will have to get to know the nitty gritty part of a business first before you can make a change or improve it. How to look at all parts of the business, sepreate them, improve on them, and put them back to together in a puzzle pitcure. I am beginning to understand how very important the puzzle pitcures are to putting it all together. The marketing, personal, how you advertise, the location, numbers,  service the product you are selling, every thing that is a part of what ever you are wanting to improve. How to make it simple more efficient to your customers or to others. When you think about it,its only common sense. Not to over anything,not even the smallest detail. It all matters, its a part of the whole puzzle pitcure. The ansewer is there ,right in front of you stareing you in the face,very oviouse if you just look for it.I am going to reveiw my second meeting agin to absorbe it more and more. I feel I am beginning to realley understand how it all works and just how simple it is. Just relax,get in a quiet place, and think about whatever it is you have to improve or change.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Discover your firday night essense.”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    hi Jesse

    my name is bill and mark has asked me to be your mentor and to answer any question abut the society and the neothink movement which is actually moving forward at a rapid pace. is’nt the world exciteing when you think as a neothinker and you make your own decisions for your self an you are truly a self leader, and not a followers, continue to learn and please continue to attend all of marks secret meeting, and each one is better than the previous meeting. if you have any question please feel free to E-Mail me at

    you have a beautiful day

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