Level 2 10 second miracle
October 3, 2015 by Kelly
Filed under Integrations
I didn’t think I was getting this during the first meeting. Somehow before today I learned the numbers game at work. I made an excel sheet that had the numbers on it I needed daily and at the end of each month. I can almost see every dollar come in and go out without knowing […]
10 second miracle
October 1, 2015 by Asim M
Filed under Integrations
Firstly, i’d like to thank Mr. Hamilton for identifying and naming experiences I have been having for years.The 10 second Miracle is without a doubt a key tool for integrated thinking as well as power thinking.I am clearer than ever as to what my Friday Night Essence is and look forward to learning as I […]
10 second miracle
September 27, 2015 by Oran
Filed under Integrations
As someone who believes in “working smarter, not harder”, l believe that I may have already found some 10 Second Miracles while trying to improve my efficiency at work. I still haven’t found my FNE, but you have to start somewhere, right? I’ll keep looking and I’ll eventually get there. Thanks for another inspiring meeting […]
level 2 integrations
September 21, 2015 by Paul Bayless
Filed under Integrations
I have my FNE as speaking and writing. I would need to get my book proposal done by using the tool of numbers of what the readers and book publishers would want. This is the first step before getting the advance to write my first book. I am a warehouse worker looking forward to get […]
? where is the article by Dr. Wallace?
September 16, 2015 by Edith Herskind
Filed under Integrations
I spent quite a while trying to find the article that was part of our assignment. “The Formula to Biological Immortality”- Can you email me with instructions on how to get there, Thanks
Many thoughts today
September 15, 2015 by Linda
Filed under Integrations
I have figured out my mini-day-schedule but cannot fathom how I can use it to be a value creator at work as I work in accounts payable. Over the years I have streamlined the position and gained responsibilities, but, my boss keeps control. I’m sure I will eventually figure it out. A couple of weeks […]
fne and ten second miracle
September 15, 2015 by fred treffer
Filed under Integrations
Well the last time that I left a integration I don’t think that I really knew what I wanted at the time. I am going to be on social security soon and I don’t work at any job now. More I am retired for now. My FNE I think just hit me not to long […]
Appartently Lost
September 15, 2015 by Wayne Prince
Filed under Integrations
I just watched the Level 2 Secret Meeting, Mark gave me 2 tools this meeting to help help me along the Society’s path to self realization. I have a situation similar to Jason M. I am on SSD and the government has placed my wife in charge of all our financial matters. The tools that […]
More than words
September 3, 2015 by Elijah Lenix
Filed under Integrations
Mark Hamilton, thank you for this guidance. I’m starting to live life thinking more, understanding, and developing a lot of thoughts in my head. I’m starting to think more about what I do day by day and from your help, along with my thinking, I now know and fully believe that the future is what […]
Level 2 meeting integration
September 3, 2015 by Michael Davidson
Filed under Integrations
Hello Neothink Team, Thank you Mark, and all the other Mentors, for this level two meeting experience. As a new member, I can relate to the others who feel frustrated with their own lack of understanding, or perceived progress, hesitation in participation in the other forums or calls, the struggle finding our own voices and […]