Why would we ever now settle for anything less?
December 18, 2015 by Tom Burlingame
Filed under Integrations
Hi, Mark! Yes!! I have been giving much thought to the “Friday Night Essence” concept. I have tapped the tap root of my own FNE. In fact, I have done less with thinking about what I do on Friday night, and MORE about what were my zeals, delights, passions and blisses as a child! Now […]
my thoughts and questions
December 17, 2015 by james ringer
Filed under Integrations
Mark: hello i have read the heirloom package. Miss Annabell’s story was great i read it through rather quickly. I went to trade school with Mark the creator of Net Zero he was a very knowledgeable man at his young age and had a wonderful idea that created him a vast empire and is still […]
No turning back now………
December 17, 2015 by Tom Burlingame
Filed under Integrations
Hi, Mark! I look back, I dare say, almost in terror, (that really is the best word for it: terror) at the kinds of social conditioning we grew up with. I almost forget what it really was like. Conditioning that denied……no, denigrated, our values as beings. Or even having the right TO be at all. […]
Here I Come!!!!!
December 12, 2015 by Tiandra Lane
Filed under Integrations
Hi MH!!!!! Tiandra here just finished Lesson 2 and so happy to be at this level. As i am continuing to grow with the NeoThink system I see a great future unfolding in my life and that of my families. I am seeing that I must be born for this. Many of the knowledge I […]
ten second miracles
December 11, 2015 by charles mcafee
Filed under Integrations
I did not realize at first but towards the end of this session that I had a ten second miracle about 20 years ago when I was working for one of the largest hospitols in the world and I developed a system of moving goods and product needed for day to day operations faster and […]
An awesome future before us awaits………
December 10, 2015 by Tom Burlingame
Filed under Integrations
Hi, Mark! Yes, the ten second miracle. A propitiously happy new way of thinking! An awesome future before us awaits. We WANT this future We will NOT be denied now. This is OUR future and we can build it. By unleashing the proliferation of these ten second miracles in rapid succession AND in the NUMBERS […]
It is just a bit shocking………
December 9, 2015 by Tom Burlingame
Filed under Integrations
HI Mark! You know………it is just a bit (well, more than a bit) shocking………when I look back……..at my decades of stagnant routine throughout the jobs I have had over the decades. Never even thinking to question that I could do anything BUT follow the routine. Never even thinking I might step outside of the box […]
November 28, 2015 by joie buell
Filed under Integrations
even though my mind set is not where I would like for it to be, I can see where the 10 second miracle driven by numbers, and the value creations that come from my Friday night essence when combined and work hand in hand can and will be a power house in my success in […]
Level 2 meeting my thoughts!
November 20, 2015 by Gilbert Ishizu
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mark, I just wanted to thank you n the Neothink society for seeing my potential n believing in me! As for the 10 second miracle I do believe I have done it a few times already before without even knowing I have done it! The main reason for me noticing my own self in […]
10 second miracle
November 17, 2015 by Sandra Kirkwood
Filed under Integrations
Before I retired I worked at a hotel. I would train the new hires since I was night audit relief. I was so surprised how many teenagers didn’t know about or how to give back change to a customer. I found out the schools can’t teach that now. With each one I trained I tried […]