Monday, February 24, 2025

L2 integrations

May 1, 2017 by Ross T.  
Filed under Integrations

Thank you mr. HamIlton, excellent level two meeting. For the past month I’ve been looking closer at the numbers in my construction business and been coming up with some ideas in effeciency and growth. I also started a plot plan of my property. I will color in the completed projects and outline the ones for […]

Level 2 Meeting

April 4, 2017 by Louis R.  
Filed under Integrations

This is Fantastic Mr. Hamilton. I had an Idea that the 10 Second Miracle was like you explain it in the Level two meeting. But an Idea is one thin and being sure is another. This is the second time that I see the level two meeting and I’m motivated to move again making 10 […]

How am I to help this community?

March 28, 2017 by Donald T Cook  
Filed under Integrations

I understand What Mr. Hamilton said. I am reading the books. I just have one question and that is, I am retired and so how do I use this Friday Night Essence and the ten second Miracle to help me?

Level 2 Meeting

March 15, 2017 by Louis R.  
Filed under Integrations

This is Fantastic Mr. Hamilton. I had an Idea that the 10 Second Miracle was like you explain it in the Level two meeting. But an Idea is one thin and being sure is another. This is the second time that I see the level two meeting and I’m motivated to move again making 10 […]

ten second miracle

March 11, 2017 by George G.  
Filed under Integrations

I have to say this kind of information you wont get any where else. Enjoyed learning from your examples of the ten second miracles. Yourself as a young dishwasher and Mr. Nash. Looking forward to next level meeting.

Level 2

March 9, 2017 by Hella K.  
Filed under Integrations

Lieber Herr Hamilton,lieber Mentor, zur Unsterblichkeitsformel von Herrn Wallace (ich habe Ihn verehrt-mein erster Kontakt zu Neothink).Um Ihn habe ich geweint.Natürlich möchte ich das heutige Wissen darüber unbedingt lernen.Nur–ich kann den Laptop noch nicht richtig bedienen–noch kenne ich diese tollen Programme–noch kann ich English. Ich lerne alles!!! Ich lebe doch Neothing!!! Seit ich” Pax” gelesen […]


February 25, 2017 by George Wells  
Filed under Integrations

As far as level-two goes, it is interesting that working with the numbers is key to the Ten Second Miracles. I have been working with numbers all of my adult life. Now all I have to do, is figure out witch numbers are the important ones. As far as the Friday=Night Essence goes, I try […]


February 25, 2017 by George Wells  
Filed under Integrations

This is my second try to leave a message. I do not know if I am doing this right. It is interesting that numbers are key to the Ten-Second Miracles. I work with numbers all of the time. I will just have to figure out witch numbers are the important ones. I think I am […]

Ten second miracle

February 20, 2017 by Daisy C.  
Filed under Integrations

My grandparents had no idea all of this existed they weren’t even thinking that there was something else out there from a young age I knew an was always looking. I didn’t know about neothink neo-supe…super puzzle …Truly didn’t know that I was born to create that my essence as a human being is to […]

Ten second miracle

February 20, 2017 by Daisy Christie  
Filed under Integrations

Gm to you MH I know you are a wise man most of what you wrote is like a parable… if we pay close attention and follow your lead the puzzle will snap togather, the three gentlemen break it down for me and gave me a better understanding of the ten second miracle Now that […]

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