Sunday, March 9, 2025

another thought

November 5, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

hello bill and mark! I just was thinking. Yesterday I received PAX-NT I usually flip through each of my books when i first get them. For some reason I usually come to a part that puts things together in my mind. now this is just a thought and for some reason it already seems right and if it is maybe it will also help others (students)When I received my first book it told five stories NOW i watched a movie called DEMONS&ANGELS the society of that time would leave very simple yet highly over looked clues now in my first book it said in one of the stories (I think it has to do something with with the bold lettering) while i’m not yet into the second book of the supperpuzzle i had seen a part where Jake asked if Jessie and Angie had the diary still since we are looking for looking for bold letters and phrases then when i saw ( YES we have the letters ) i believe I’m getting some of the answers i was looking for now. I have made mention to a book and so have you and P-N/T is helping me to put this together although i still have much to read I’m happy to be apart of the organization i’m with and while i know that my thoughts may be bold at time i thank you for hearing them some of the acquaintances i have around here say i’m honest to a fault I’m glad i now have friends that don’t consider that to be a fault thank you again and like i said this just popped in my mind and i had to get it out. I want ot put one more thing here I think it has value and would think you would also. Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.- Albert Einstein.

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