Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Active Member Level 2

October 16, 2013 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

First, I am grateful and honored that you invited me to join the most powerful, genius, and wealthiest people on the planet earth.
Secondly, Thank you very much Bill for help and especially to you Mr. Mark Hamilton for helping me to be the person I’m supposed to be and to live like all the members of Neothink Society of Secretes way of living…famous, wealthy, happy in all ways of living as the way conscious people are supposed to live.
Third, I’ll answer your last question: Who AM I? I am a PROFESSIONAL CREATOR…my FNE is PROFESSION,
I make building plans, supervise and help in the construction of the plan and do every problems that comes in my life, including everything that develops in my home and all our vehicles…I don’t take them to the shop because those people are neocheaters, I found this when I was new in this country…so I worked hard, whenever I bought a new car, I always buy the SHOP Manual FOR car the vehicle.
I have done everything that a CIVIL ENGINEER are supposed to do in this world…what I learned at school without
any coaching from my Supervisors.

When it comes to the TEN SECONDS MIRACLE? I think I also have a lot of experiences about it…when I am doing something and I could not do it, I stop and really think about it…and most of time I am able to do the job after a while.
When I was in my 4th and 5th year in my CIVIL ENGINEERING COURSE, every time I have homework that I was not able to solve? I just went to bed and while I was asleep, I always dreamed the solution to the problem, and got up and
solve the problem very easy in most cases.
Regarding the NEOTHINK PURPOSE: First Re: CLUBHOUSE…I could not do a CLUBHOUSE any more because of my health conditions. I am now 72 years old and RETIRED early at 61 because of my deteriorating health…I need to take care of myself until I become a GOD MAN…like Mark said in all his writings that everything will change when that comes.

I spoke to STEVE F. about the Clubhouse…I told him that I could not do it but, I have a daughter who is capable of doing the job. She is almost forty years old now, and has more than 14 years of MANAGERIAL experience…she had attended so many Managerial Seminars including LEADERSHIP training. You said that all my children will become member of the Neothink Society of Secretes including all my Grandchildren and the future generation of my name DE EPPIE, if they so choose.

Steve told me that I would let my daughter read the FIRST HEIRLOOM MANUSCRIPT and call him back after she finish reading it, and he will advise us how my daughter would get into the Neothink Membership.

Regarding the other programs of NEOTHINK, I think that I can help with the TWELVE VISION PARTY especially if we
do it soon…in the next ELECTION and the up coming PRESIDENTIAL Election in 2016. I can help disseminating the Constitution, Prime Law and all the Platform of the TVP as planned by Mr. Mark Hamilton.

RE: God Man, I believed that being a conscious individual, I am HONEST, I have SELF ESTEEM, I am a self supporting person, I am often ended, I am ACTION ORIENTED INDIVIDUAL, I BELIEVE IN CAPITALISM, and that GOD IS IN MY HEART…therefor, I AM A GOD MAN.

But, two days ago, I received my third
INVITATION TO JOIN YOUR SECRET SOCIETY…and I am wondering why? I have my first meeting with Mark Hamilton on September 10, 2013 and the second Level meeting last October 10…and still receiving invitations to join, I appreciate if you would tell me the reason WHY?

if don’t get to THE EVERLASTING LIFE ON THE FACE OF MOTHER EARTH. I strongly believe that NEOTHINK would change AMERICA in the near future and the whole WORLD will follow.


Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Active Member Level 2”
  1. Meta says:

    DE EPPIE, Thank you for the integrations on your 2nd Level meetings, sorry to hear your health is not as good as it should be. I personally can not wait for Neocheaters to have a change of heart(right) or get out of the way for the healers help heal humankind. As for the invitations to “Join the Secret Society” Is that the green button on the website? asking to become an Active Member for $30.00 A month, is an automatic computer geneation. If you would like to speak to someone to ask that question you can call Member Services @1800-480-2336. Hope all goes well for you today. Meta

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