Thursday, February 27, 2025

A New Direction?

April 18, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I must say that I couldn’t see my way clear to even begin to understand at the outset of how to move into value creation at my present job. It is highly specialized as I am a health care worker. Looking at the essence of what I am doing in the clinic is difficult when looking at it from a numbers perspective. I have been able to curb the waste that has been generated at the facility and I’m learning other jobs thanks to project curiosity. Something strange happened though. About a week ago an image came to me about what I call a no-nonsense exercise program. Several other projects came to mind at the same time. I quickly jotted down some notes in regards to the projects that came to mind and I even have a start of steps needed to accomplish these projects. However I’m missing some steps as to how to start or complete these projects that have nothing to do with the specialized job that I now perform as an income producing mini-day. Any comments or suggestions?

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