Friday, March 7, 2025

Delema- between a rock and a hard place

February 8, 2010 by adm-nt  
Filed under Integrations

Mark, I am between a rock and a hard place. Your do diligence and integrations have given me the language to express and explanations of, the things I have already been doing all my life. Even though people tell me I scare them with my ideas I have hung on to hope constantly seeking knowledge to verify that I am not a wacko. Because of my extreme hyperactivity and extreme sense of awareness from an early age, I had to develop a phenomenology and self control in order to fit in. This, by the way is in my genetics, a pronounced proneality of my Genotype, amazingly outlined in Dr DaDamo’s blood type sciences .

Here comes common denominator no. one to the question of why haven’t I become successful.- FEAR!

Not nail biting fear, rather fear of not being accepted, fear that I’ve got it wrong, fear of falling on my face after being assertive with my ideas.

During the past year, it has been especially tough, I got laid off from what I once considered my dream job. A DeWALT power tool Representative. I learned to make that human connection that people need. through this connection I was able to solve their problems AND make money for the company.

After realising I wasn’t going to find a job or have the funds to invent something or at least find something different to do, because of tremendous financial burdens I started doing things I can do to earn money (not things I want to do. If I stop, I go under. I’m fighting tooth and nail. but it’s getting worse.

This is why I cannot join in on the blogs, go to conventions, join GIN..etc. I am an affiliate however.

To give you an idea of some of my efforts and integrations I’ll tell you about my latest venture.

I recently put my fear aside ( figuring-what the hell- it can’t get much worse. ) and approached the blood type Dr in Wilton Connecticut ( my state of residence). I expressed an interest in starting a business within his business to represent his work and his products in the health food stores, starting locally, going national and international by replicating. His customer service rep and the manager of North American Pharmaceutical ( where his vitamin formulas are produced) were very excited about my ideas and told me they would discuss this with the very busy doctor after the first of the year. Here I am again- waiting on someone else. It’s too early to tell but things may still come together.

A new integration came to me while finishing Miss Annabell’s secrets. It had to do with selling the idea of the blood type diet and protocols to the end user.- Stimulation

No one wants to be told what to eat or give up their bad habits. Even though The blood type sciences have gone on for 100 years and to this day is still being proven in genetic research to be valid and extraordinarily valuable to human health and longevity. It’s still a tough sell.

People that have read the Dr’s books all say ” I thought he was talking about me! ”

I reasoned that It’s not about vitamins, It’s about Self discovery, self determination, That’s empowering, exciting hence- Stimulating. Through self discovery and personalized nutrition ( a really inexpensive and easy thing to do)

People will become motivated to change their life style. That’s the key to a successful sales approached. I sent this breakthrough to the general manager. she seemed intrigued but maybe I did it again- Maybe I scared them. Hope not.

As I write this to you now, I think Its possible to integrated Neo Tech and the blood type sciences together to be even more effective not only to neo tech members but to the end user of the blood type diet and vitamin protocols.

NOW! am I Waco? What more can I do (I ask myself) Your writings hint at why people get scared and that has helped me but, It’s the story of my life.

Maybe you have some thoughts?

Also, part of my genotype is an aversion to repetition, something I fight every day where I feel it beneficial to endure it. ( much like the neo tech manuscripts ) Not to say that I did not get any value from them, quit the contrary, I got a lot of value from them and maybe a bit of self confidence as well.

Given what you hopefully just read, would it be possible for me to be able to go through the secret meeting levels at my own pace. I,m searching for answers and new integration to solve my own problems.

If you have the time, I would appreciate your thoughts.

Thanks for listening. Carl T Johnson

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