Sunday, February 2, 2025

Catching up to the present

January 20, 2014 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I have a tremendous amount of unfinished work that I have just begun to get under control using the Mini-day schedule method. It takes a lot of discipline and is easy to go overtime into the next miniday, thereby losing that day’s benefits. However, this is about the first time in many months that I have seen the top of my desk instead of a pile of papers in a disorganized mess.

As for my FDE there comes bzck to me many lost dreams that seem out of reach today. But I don’t give up.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “Catching up to the present”
  1. Meta says:

    Hi Robert, Good job with that pile of papers. I hope you can find the time to help the Society to move forward. We have many new programs and need all the help we can get. To connect please call 1800-480-2336 number for Member Services.

  2. Robert says:

    Well, this has been a month of struggle to get lots of unfinished work completed and to ponder upon the FNEs that have been left by the wayside as I have been busy with the daily grind. Not that I worked for another compnay, but that I had my own business for the last 20 years , and still did not know how to make it a growing business. I seldon hired others to do some of the work but carried out almost all the tasks myself. It was a Home maintenance business and I served a number of people in my own community with good work and reasonable profits. Now that I am getting on in years and find myself limited in physical ability , and my time restricted by duties of home and family it has become more difficult to increase the income needed to survive. So I keep seeking better ways to contribute.

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