Getting to know myself
August 24, 2013 by tdomf_55091
Filed under Integrations
In learning about the ten-second miracles, I realized that I’ve been having them for the better part of my life. Early on it only happened once every few years, then around the age of 20 I would have one every year or two, then it started happening once every few months. Now, at the age of 31, since I started receiving the Neothink materials a few months ago, I notice them happening more and more often and I’m glad to know what to call them now, as well as have a greater understanding of how to encourage them to happen.
I’m amazed at how much thinking in terms of numbers has helped me take control of my life more, and the more in control I feel, the easier it is to integrate the different aspects of being a self-leader. It comes much more naturally since I already feel like one. I’ve noticed how my interactions with others have changed too. Things that just wouldn’t get done before (usually because I just wasn’t motivated to do them) are now fun to do as I make a game of using the self-leader secrets in different situations.
This is probably nothing new to those who have been using the techniques for a while, but integrating them into my everyday life and making a habit of them is really making me feel differently about myself and my life.
Chris, Thank you for your comments. Good to hear and keep it up. If you would like to share your integrations you can call# 1-800-480-2336, Member Services is a volunteer group who would love to hear how you are doing. Meta