Sunday, March 2, 2025

Level Two

May 25, 2011 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

Good Evening Mr. Hamilton,
So much has happened. I shake my head and just say-“Wow”. I’d written to you in the past how my one FNE grew into five-well I’ll only speak about’s the most recent as it happened today.

My mother died last year and during a very long drawn out probate I faced one obstacle (building block) after the other. Many times I questioned what lesson I needed to learn . I felt that I “needed to do something” As the various bids and estimates came in I felt overwhelmed by the “nitty gritty” details I had to face, To add to the fray, there was no insurance, my mother had let it lapse. Even though I was her POA, that did not mean my mother was out of the loop in regards to her personal life. Thus SHE chose not to renew, nor inform me of the fact she had done so. Fast forward, I’m yet in grief mode, when the neighbors began to complain about the damages done to the house. That led to city inspectors and the rest of the vultures. What amazed me @ the time? The damaged part of now my home was in the rear of the house and consisted of one room lost directly to fire, with remaining portions- smoke damaged. Damage was not visible from the street in front nor the alley in the rear. NOW-to either side is a different story(we won’t even go there) The lowest bid was 80 thousand, the “good clean law-abiders on either side” were doing their thing. My emotions were @ an all time high on the dark side. And then I stood up and said one word-NO. I put my emotions on the shelf , looked @ my home as a business, and the way to help me to my next step. In short I had multiple 10-Second Miracles. I called them “Executive Decisions.”
First I act as my own general contractor. I set schedules and keep everything moving @ my pace. In order to get this right means I had to study everything I could get my hands on,to include some laws of this state which are anti-everything,(that’s where TVP will do well),I jokingly said I could become a paralegal with all the stuff I have had to endure.
By learning the nitty gritty details of being one’s own general contractor, it expanded one of my other FNE-real estate By looking @ my home through the NUMBERS
I’ve cut my cost from the all-time high of over 100 thousand to-my current tally of about 25 thousand. I cut out the waste associated with making important decisions while in an emotional state. I cut cost by putting some sweat equity. I cut cost by looking on-line for direct dealers, and finally by being so detailed my banker looked @ what has been done (upgrades)and asked me-“How much money do you want? Not what do I need, how much do I want.
My mother’s death left me feeling lost and somewhat lonely, which in turn spurs me on. What started out for my mother(so I thought)opens up a whole new world for me. I’ve had an interest in real estate because it is finite. Through this time of growth and renewal my sense of self has expanded. The self I speak of here is the self of the future. The self I speak of and address is the self outside this anticivilization. As for my home? Because of it’s size, I can very easily put an apartment in the basement. It truly is location,location, location.
There is everything within 15 minutes of my front door, including a bus line on all four corners,with service every 15 minutes. One the best four year private colleges in the country is –15 minutes away.
I just looked @ this novelette, and had another FNE. I’ll put this in book form. It’s complex and yet, trust me..all of my FNE’s are @ play,alone and together.
I’ll be back again-I study a lot. I like studying I’m with you. You asked for 1 year–
I’ll see your 1 year and raise it to-???

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