Monday, March 10, 2025

10 second miracle

September 19, 2010 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I’m so glad to have finally learned the 10 second miracle, I’ve heard it mentioned very often. In my own words the 10 second miracle is the moment of an epiphany. After a period of consciously loading your sub conscious with observations and questions the sub conscious works on the problem behind the scenes. Quietly fitting the pieces together until it figures out the whole picture. Then it presents the complete picture back to the conscious mind which takes about 10 seconds to comprehend what it is seeing then you have the epiphany, the sudden realization of a solution, or grasping the true essence or meaning underlining the issue.
Teaching yourself to have such moments on a regular basis is a great way to be a huge success at what ever you pursue. I know that is what I am going to work on for the next 30 days. No not just 30 days but for the rest of my life.
I feel like I have an almost unfair advantage because I know my FNE. To combine the two tools together will make me virtually unstoppable.
Mark, I can not thank you enough. The value I have gained from you and your father’s works is immeasurable.

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One Response to “10 second miracle”
  1. William J Kyle says:

    Hi william

    william is a greeat name I know because it is also my name, i’m really impressed that you have had a 10 second miricle already, most of mark students do no get this untill half way thru these secret meeting and the fact that you already know your friday Night essence put you way ahead of your peers, keep up the great work If you have any other question please feel free to e- mail me at

    you have a beautiful day

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