Tuesday, March 4, 2025

10 sec miracle

July 21, 2011 by tdomf_55091  
Filed under Integrations

I have experanced this many times. when I have a problem that demans my inediate attention it ways on my mind and comsums my complete thought. The 15 year old dishwasher did the same. After he over heard his boss conplaining about the poor business and that he might have to close. This became a great problem in the young boys mind whitch took over his comleplete thought. his mind was working on the problem while he was at his job. his serounding were a constance reminder of the problemm his mind was colecting puzzle pieces and when the key pices fellinto place his concous mind said “i have it” then he worked out the numbers for parking places and went to his boss for aperval. This is the way that it works for me. It is realy like a light comming on in your head. to recieve a 10 sec miracle you need a problem that bugs you enough to make your mind think. Try your pet peeves, in ever one there is a new invention waiting to happen.

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